1.) There are only 9m³ within the earth's crust.
2.) Only about 2m³ thereof can be mined.
3.) Not all of this osmium is available for crystallization.
Osmium is extremely rare
It is the rarest metal and precious metal on earth.
Osmium is extremely rare
It is the rarest metal and precious metal on earth.
1.) The rarity and beauty of osmium are the main price drivers.
2.) Not only does osmium have great value, its high value density is key.
Osmium is especially valuable
Its value per ounce exceeds the value of other metals many times over.
Osmium is especially valuable
Its value per ounce exceeds the value of other metals many times over.
1.) Jewelry with osmium also looks more elegant than normal gold jewelry.
2.) Osmium is in no way prone to corrosion.
Osmium is more precious than gold
Osmium can't even be dissolved in aqua regia and osmium can't tarnish.
Osmium is more precious than gold
Osmium can't even be dissolved in aqua regia and osmium can't tarnish.
1.) The actual purity of osmium is even higher, but is not used for promotion.
2.) The purity is determined in batches. It increases again considerably due to the crystallization.
Osmium is exceptionally pure
With a purity of 99,9995% it beats all other precious metals.
Osmium is exceptionally pure
With a purity of 99,9995% it beats all other precious metals.
1.) Osmium is an extremely stable element.
2.) It is not subject to radioactive decay.
3.) Osmium will exist unchanged long after the end of our solar system.
Osmium will outlast the earth
Osmium can be rightfully called the eternal metal.
Osmium will outlast the earth
Osmium can be rightfully called the eternal metal.
1.) Osmium sinks down in molten lead like a stone does in water.
2.) Its density protects osmium from counterfeiting, as it is a physical and unchangeable property.
Osmium is the densest element
With 22,61 g/cm³, it has the highest density of all elements.
Osmium is the densest element
With 22,61 g/cm³, it has the highest density of all elements.
1.) The surfaces of osmium crystals are particularly resistant to friction.
2.) Nevertheless, if handled roughly, whole crystals can be broken out of the osmium by force.
Osmium is durable
Its abrasion resistance exceeds that of all materials we know of.
Osmium is durable
Its abrasion resistance exceeds that of all materials we know of.
1.) The compression modulus is a measure of the pressure that the structure of a material can withstand without damage.
2.) Osmium has the highest compression modulus of all elements.
Osmium is not compressible
No material on earth can withstand more compression, meaning pressure on its structure.
Osmium is not compressible
No material on earth can withstand more compression, meaning pressure on its structure.
1.) Gamma radiation is not able to penetrate even thin layers of osmium.
2.) There is no technical use for this property of osmium.
Osmium shields radiation
Osmium is the perfect shield against gamma radiation.
Osmium shields radiation
Osmium is the perfect shield against gamma radiation.
1.) Superconductivity is the phenomenon of conduction of heat or electricity without loss in the conductor.
Osmium conducts
At extremely low temperatures, osmium loses its resistance and becomes a superconductor.
Osmium conducts
At extremely low temperatures, osmium loses its resistance and becomes a superconductor.
1.) Not all osmium is obtained from the ore. A part remains in the other metals and thus never enters the market.
2.) Osmium can also occur in association with nickel.
Osmium occurs with platinum
In platinum mines, osmium-sponge can be extracted from the platinum ore.
Osmium occurs with platinum
In platinum mines, osmium-sponge can be extracted from the platinum ore.
1.) The starting point is a poisonous osmium sponge in powder form with a bluish color.
2.) The product is crystalline osmium in its shimmering, ready-to-sell structure.
Osmium is crystallized
As soon as osmium is crystallized, the crystal structure changes and it is no longer toxic.
Osmium is crystallized
As soon as osmium is crystallized, the crystal structure changes and it is no longer toxic.
1.) Cuts with a laser are possible but a little coarser, which is why they are only used on round bars and medium edged bars.
2.) The best possible cutting technique is used for jewelry and shapes. Wire EDM.
Osmium is cut
The wire EDM process makes it possible to cut osmium into just about any shape.
Osmium is cut
The wire EDM process makes it possible to cut osmium into just about any shape.
1.) Certification includes weighing, dimensioning and surface scanning in 2D-HDR and 3D.
2.) The certificates are available online in the Osmium-World-Database and can be accessed via the Osmium-Identification-Code.
Osmium is certified
Every osmium piece is certified and entered into the Osmium World Database.
Osmium is certified
Every osmium piece is certified and entered into the Osmium World Database.
1.) Bars are in most cases cut with a laser and they are marketed without a processing fee.
2.) Bars have a good ratio of circumferential length to surface area, which makes them ideal for the production of any shape.
Osmium in bars
Osmium bars are sold without processing surcharge.
Osmium in bars
Osmium bars are sold without processing surcharge.
1.) The splitbars in the osmium shop consist of Starrows with two to nine stars.
2.) They are certified as a whole, but can be separated.
3.) In the event of separation, a renewed certification makes sense.
Osmium is divisible
The osmium split bars can be broken into single stars by hand.
Osmium is divisible
The osmium split bars can be broken into single stars by hand.
1.) Quantities of 0.05 grams can already be purchased for very manageable money.
2.) The metal is not reserved for the super-rich, although it could become their currency in the future.
Osmium in small
Osmium is truly available for every wallet and every taste.
Osmium in small
Osmium is truly available for every wallet and every taste.
1.) To cut osmium, a CAD file is programmed which is designed for several pieces at once.
2.) When cutting, the so-called offcut remains as material that is no longer usable.
3.) Web widths of 1 to 2 mm must be adhered to depending on the shape and use.
Osmium as desired
Almost any shape can be cut from osmium upon request.
Osmium as desired
Almost any shape can be cut from osmium upon request.
1.) Series production makes shape-cutting much cheaper because the machines only have to be cleaned once.
2.) Series allow pre-production so that every necessary piece is always available.
Osmium in manufacturing
Defined inlays are also manufactured in series for manufacturers.
Osmium in manufacturing
Defined inlays are also manufactured in series for manufacturers.
1.) Only certified osmium is offered on the site.
2.) Each piece of osmium was checked for quality and examined several times before delivery.
3.) The purchase is possible in many currencies.
Osmium from the internet
Osmium can be purchased online at www.buy-osmium.com.
1.) The prices of osmium are identical on a daily basis all over the world, but currency fluctuations may exist.
2.) Osmium can also be experienced and taken into hand at wholesalers.
3.) Wholesalers are the point of contact to purchase osmium with cash on site.
Osmium from wholesalers
Wholesalers throughout the world display osmium to view and buy.
Osmium from wholesalers
Wholesalers throughout the world display osmium to view and buy.
1.) Retailers can display goods on site.
2.) Retailers can have ordered goods sent directly to the customer.
3.) They can be found on the dealer map and there is an effort to build and maintain a comprehensive network of dealers.
Osmium from retail
Many retailers are widely spread regionally so osmium can be looked at everywhere.
Osmium from retail
Many retailers are widely spread regionally so osmium can be looked at everywhere.
1.) Every piece of osmium can be checked for authenticity on site with a private buyer on the basis of its surface scan.
2.) The current owner can sell at a different price to the current spot price, which can lead to an advantage.
3.) The purchase takes place without paying VAT.
Osmium from private persons
The Osmium Word Database makes the sale from private to private absolutely safe.
Osmium from private persons
The Osmium Word Database makes the sale from private to private absolutely safe.
1.) Banks have secure storage facilities for osmium.
2.) Usually, these sources are reputable and accustomed to the money business that they conduct.
Osmium from banks
Banks and family offices are renowned sources for osmium.
Osmium from banks
Banks and family offices are renowned sources for osmium.
1.) As a material asset, osmium has a special position, because gold, paintings or collector's items can usually be forged.
2.) This means that the osmium can also be permanently assigned to its owner in the database if required. The database then functions like a “land register extract”.
Osmium is unforgeable
Osmium is the only precious metal which is absolutely unforgeable and thus absolutely safe.
Osmium is unforgeable
Osmium is the only precious metal which is absolutely unforgeable and thus absolutely safe.
1.) No metal of similar density can be melted into osmium because there is no such metal.
2.) The melting process would also not be feasible, since the crystal structure would also be lost.
3.) Most metals would melt in osmium in the process.
Osmium can't be filled
No worthless metal can be encased with osmium. The density would be different.
Osmium can't be filled
No worthless metal can be encased with osmium. The density would be different.
1.) The crystal growth is always random and cannot be controlled in detail.
2.) The surface scans are stored in a secured database.
Osmium has a fingerprint
The osmium crystal cannot be reproduced and is far safer than a fingerprint.
Osmium has a fingerprint
The osmium crystal cannot be reproduced and is far safer than a fingerprint.
1.) The reflection spectrum has a peak in blue light, which can be seen very well. It differs greatly from the peaks of other metals.
Identify Osmium with the naked eye
The blueish reflection of the osmium crystals in sunlight is identifiable with the naked eye.
Identify Osmium with the naked eye
The blueish reflection of the osmium crystals in sunlight is identifiable with the naked eye.
1.) The stored data consists of mass, dimensions, shape, customs index and date of certification
2.) The database contains the following scans:
Preview images, the field depth 2D HDR scan in high resolution and the 3D hight map scan.
Osmium in the World Database
The World Database carries scans of every osmium piece for identification.
Osmium in the World Database
The World Database carries scans of every osmium piece for identification.
1.) Once the osmium is depleted, no more will be found, as all platinum discovery sites are already known.
2.) Osmium, which goes into the jewelry market and leaves the investor cycle, further decreases the amount of tradable osmium.
Osmium decreases
The resources in the earth's crust amount to about 9m³, of which about 2m³ can be mined.
Osmium decreases
The resources in the earth's crust amount to about 9m³, of which about 2m³ can be mined.
1.) Raw osmium forms an oxide, which irritates the eyes and lungs. It is therefore not available for private individuals.
2.) Crystalline osmium has different physical and chemical properties and is absolutely non-toxic.
Osmium is non-toxic
In contrast to raw osmium as sponge, crystalline osmium is non-toxic and harmless.
Osmium is non-toxic
In contrast to raw osmium as sponge, crystalline osmium is non-toxic and harmless.
1.) Osmium is only crystallized in Switzerland.
2.) Crystalline osmium is brought into circulation exclusively through the Osmium-Institutes.
Osmium has only one source
The market of crystallized osmium is protected perfectly by an economic and natural monopoly.
Osmium has only one source
The market of crystallized osmium is protected perfectly by an economic and natural monopoly.
1.) At the border you can prove beyond doubt that the osmium you are carrying is your own property.
2.) Evidence is provided via the OIC, the Osmium-Identification-Code.
3.) There are also customs agreements with most countries.
4.) In some countries osmium is tax-free.
Osmium is not smuggled
Customs authorities can doubtlessly identify every piece of osmium through the World Database.
Osmium is not smuggled
Customs authorities can doubtlessly identify every piece of osmium through the World Database.
1.) There is no market rate for osmium yet, as it is not yet traded on a stock exchange.
2.) The spot price is calculated every day in Switzerland.
3.) Pricing criteria are, for example:
Supply, demand, harvest rate, electricity price, raw osmium price and many more.
Osmium is subject to a spot price
The price of osmium is recalculated and published every day.
Osmium is subject to a spot price
The price of osmium is recalculated and published every day.
1.) The Owner-Change-Code enables the transfer of osmium to a new owner who can be a buyer, heir or gift recipient.
2.) In the event of inheritance, osmium is subject to the laws that also affect other types of material value.
Osmium as inheritance
Osmium can be inherited within the family and transferred via the database.
Osmium as inheritance
Osmium can be inherited within the family and transferred via the database.
1.) Osmium can be stored indefinitely without corrosion or other changes taking place.
2.) Osmium does not have to be stored under special precautions.
3.) However, it is wise to keep it in a fire-proof safe, because at temperatures above 700 degrees Celsius it will volatilize in the presence of oxygen.
Osmium in private ownership
Osmium can be easily transported and stored in private hands.
Osmium in private ownership
Osmium can be easily transported and stored in private hands.
1.) Anyone who deals with osmium or processes it must be trained.
2.) The dealer goes through a training program and then takes an exam that he must pass.
Osmium for trade
Trade with Osmium is only performed through certified traders.
Osmium for trade
Trade with Osmium is only performed through certified traders.
1.) Osmium can be cut precisely for inays and thus pre-produced.
2.) Many shapes in the Investor's Boxes were created to be ready for use by jewelers as finished geometries.
Osmium in processing
Jewelers and goldsmiths process osmium into commercial jewelry.
Osmium in processing
Jewelers and goldsmiths process osmium into commercial jewelry.
1.) Osmium is not a share or a security or a currency. It is a real asset - a precious metal.
2.) As a material asset, it serves to maintain value and not to increase in market price.
3.) However, there are good chances of price increases happening.
Osmium as a store of value
Osmium can also be used as a tangible store of value for especially large holdings.
Osmium as a store of value
Osmium can also be used as a tangible store of value for especially large holdings.
1.) The code consists of eight letters and numbers.
2.) The one to three-digit customs code is in front.
3.) OICs can be combined into a so-called X-Code for pieces of jewelery.
Osmium Identification Code
The Osmium-Identification-Code is clearly allocated to each piece of osmium.
Osmium Identification Code
The Osmium-Identification-Code is clearly allocated to each piece of osmium.
1.) The QR code is only ever assigned once per Osmium-Identification-Code.
2.) It is used for quick access to the database content of a defined osmium piece.
3.) The code is printed on the foil boxes of the single osmium packaging.
Osmium QR-Code
Osmium transparency boxes feature a QR-Code to help you easily find your own piece on the internet.
Osmium QR-Code
Osmium transparency boxes feature a QR-Code to help you easily find your own piece on the internet.
1.) With the OCC, the current possessor can be changed several times by the owner.
2.) When selling, the owner can transfer the ownership rights directly to another owner once.
The Owner-Change-Code is used for transferring possession and ownership.
The Owner-Change-Code is used for transferring possession and ownership.
1.) The RSS feed is used for publications on the Internet to make the spot price development directly displayable.
2.) The feed contains a chart and further up-to-date information.
3.) The past changes in the osmium spot price are given as a percentage.
Osmium Price-Feed
Online publications can receive the price and chart of osmium as RSS-feed.
Osmium Price-Feed
Online publications can receive the price and chart of osmium as RSS-feed.
1.) Data protection and data security are an important issue at all Osmium-Institutes.
2.) Partners are made aware of this and asked to strictly adhere to the relevant guidelines.
3.) There are websites about osmium on a wide range of topics and concerns.
Osmium websites
Every osmium website is SSL-encrypted for client safety.
Osmium websites
Every osmium website is SSL-encrypted for client safety.
1.) The surface scan guarantees the authenticity of the osmium piece.
2.) The transfer of ownership takes place in the Osmium-World-Database. It is comparable to an entry in the land register.
Osmium private sale
Private persons can also obtain osmium risk-free from private hands.
Osmium private sale
Private persons can also obtain osmium risk-free from private hands.
1.) An institutional investor can buy from private. In such a case, the purchase is made easier by the online certificates of the osmium, since the authenticity of the osmium is undisputed.
Osmium for banks
For tax reasons, institutional investors are interested in buying from private sources.
Osmium for banks
For tax reasons, institutional investors are interested in buying from private sources.
1.) Osmium is prevailing in the jewelry market. After the first tentative efforts, lines of all kinds of osmium jewelry are now emerging.
2.) With the company Oslery GmbH, a partner has been found who can enable any inlay design for goldsmiths.
Osmium in manufacturing
Manufacturers will work more and more with osmium over the coming years.
Osmium in manufacturing
Manufacturers will work more and more with osmium over the coming years.
1.) In the background of the database, a team of matchmakers works to bring together supply and demand.
2.) The waiting time for mediation can be both longer and sometimes very short. This depends on the type of pieces and their price.
Osmium in trade
The intention to sell can be entered into the Osmium Database and made accessible to traders.
Osmium in trade
The intention to sell can be entered into the Osmium Database and made accessible to traders.
1.) Physical osmium is not a typical product for exchanges. In order to divide osmium, it must be cut.
2.) Funds or certificates that hold osmium in their portfolio already exist. This way, osmium can also be purchased as "paper".
Osmium in the future
Efforts are underway to also make osmium tradable on exchanges.
Osmium in the future
Efforts are underway to also make osmium tradable on exchanges.
End product
1.) The spectacular sparkle in sunlight is crucial for most people who buy for aesthetic reasons.
2.) The cool elegance emanating from its white-blue surface is the second reason for the high recognition value of the precious metal.
Osmium is beautiful
Osmium is so unimaginably beautiful that lots of osmium finds its destiny in jewelry.
Osmium is beautiful
Osmium is so unimaginably beautiful that lots of osmium finds its destiny in jewelry.
1.) Since osmium is no longer only used in individual designer pieces, but also in series, it is comparatively cheaper to buy.
2.) With the new design series, osmium is reaching new customer groups.
3.) Elegance, rarity and certainty of authenticity are combined in osmium jewelry series.
Osmium is multiple
Jewelry with osmium can also be mass-produced if the design allows it.
Osmium is multiple
Jewelry with osmium can also be mass-produced if the design allows it.
1.)Osmium is often used in gold or platinum jewellery as the central element, which used to be a precious stone.
2.) With its high material value, osmium mainly replaces the traditional pavée.
3.) Jewelry made from a large number of small osmium inlays is also popular.
Osmium is a part
In many pieces of jewelry, osmium is part of the whole, but often marks the center
Osmium is a part
In many pieces of jewelry, osmium is part of the whole, but often marks the center
1.) A store of value must be transportable. Osmium fulfills this requirement par excellence.
2.) Osmium's customers enjoy the physical possession of their property within their own four walls. Because property must be available at any time.
Osmium is with me at home
You can store osmium at home and take it with you if you want to move it.
Osmium is with me at home
You can store osmium at home and take it with you if you want to move it.
1.) Depending on the country, tangible assets can be sold tax-free after a statutory period of time.
2.) Tangible assets are not subject to the laws of finance. You can touch them and they are real.
Osmium is "a thing"
Osmium is a tangible asset and is subject to sales tax benefits like any such asset.
Osmium is "a thing"
Osmium is a tangible asset and is subject to sales tax benefits like any such asset.
1.) The World Council organizes an annual osmium symposium for the industry and players in the osmium market.
2.) Customs, taxes, safety issues, organization of sales and the introduction of new guidelines are typical topics.
Osmium World Council
The association with its honorary staff oversees the work of the institutes.
Osmium World Council
The association with its honorary staff oversees the work of the institutes.
1.) Osmium can also be purchased directly on the Internet at www.buy-osmium.com.
2.) Information pages with trustworthy content are mostly published by the international Osmium-Institutes.
Osmium on the internet
There are many trustworthy sites on the internet that constantly provide information about osmium.
Osmium on the internet
There are many trustworthy sites on the internet that constantly provide information about osmium.
1.) The institutes carry out analyses and studies in order to be able to pass on valid information.
2.) Information offers from earlier times are often out of date and provide imprecise or even wrong information.
Osmium in the media
The press can find information, press releases and facts at the Osmium Institutes.
Osmium in the media
The press can find information, press releases and facts at the Osmium Institutes.
1.) You can also find out more about osmium on many YouTube channels.
2.) The virtual academy about osmium is supported by many video contributions and interviews.
Osmium in moving pictures
The Osmium-TV channel is increasingly being filled with relevant films and interviews.
Osmium in moving pictures
The Osmium-TV channel is increasingly being filled with relevant films and interviews.
1.) Employees of the Osmium Institutes search the Internet for incorrect or faulty information.
2.) Contact is made with site operators who spread such information.
The task of the Osmium-Institutes is to monitor fake news about Osmium.
The task of the Osmium-Institutes is to monitor fake news about Osmium.
1.) Osmium is particularly impressive when you can see it in direct sunlight the very first time.
2.) If no sunlight is available, osmium spreads a strong blue shimmer under artificial light.
First contact with osmium
The first contact with osmium is a special moment for a special day.
First contact with osmium
The first contact with osmium is a special moment for a special day.
1.) You can get to know facts about osmium in seminars and virtual training courses online.
2.) However, you can feel and hold its exorbitant weight at events with an audience.
Touch Osmium
Participation in the online seminars is free of charge and only takes two hours.
Touch Osmium
Participation in the online seminars is free of charge and only takes two hours.
1.) Experts from the Osmium Institutes conduct on-site training.
2.) Asking questions directly and being able to question the provided answers is best possible in a personal conversation.
Learn about Osmium
The best way to learn is in a personal conversation with questions and background knowledge.
Learn about Osmium
The best way to learn is in a personal conversation with questions and background knowledge.
1.) Anyone who wants to sell osmium must have completed online training and passed an examination at an Osmium-Institute.
2.) Partners from financial professions must also have specialist knowledge of osmium.
Trade Osmium
Trading precious metals is a profession that is taught through chambers.
Trade Osmium
Trading precious metals is a profession that is taught through chambers.
1.) The training for the trainer programs is provided by the Osmium-Institutes.
2.) After passing the exam, new trainers are allowed to train investment advisors, goldsmiths and sales staff as well as trading partners.
Teach about Osmium
To meet the growing demand for training, a Train the Trainer program has been installed.
Teach about Osmium
To meet the growing demand for training, a Train the Trainer program has been installed.